Sunday, 22 February 2015

Revealed!!! Why ladies love sugar daddies.

Hello my sexy ladies, Hey you! Why are you frowning your face already? Or are you one of them? Calm down baby coz I'm a sugar daddy. Hehehe. Let's discuss. Why do you young, sexy, alluring, and creamy ladies really love sugar daddies?? Why are they called sugar daddies? Are their lips coated with sugar? Abi are their bank accounts fat and sweet?? Or it is simply because they are old enough to father the girls they chase after?? Whilebi leave that an
open question, I really want to know why our future wives are breaking our hearts by chasing after old pot-bellied men.
    I remember having a closed door convo with a dear friend, who truthfully and thoughtfully made some shoking revelations. According to her, sugar daddies apar from being cheerful givers, are also experienced lovers. She went further to reveal that these men are actually more in need of friends than sex partners. Though I didn't quite agree with all she said, I saw some elements of truth in her expo. Now she's scared I'm going to mention her name. Lol. Don't worry dear, you're covered. What she couldn't just say was simple, and I was smart enough to decipher it at once. She meant to say that sugar daddies don't stress these ladies in bed, as compared to young boys who would almost claim a girls life in just one encounter by taking a whole lot of drugs. Funny as it may have sounded, it's not funny. Young boys, we go sit down look make these old men flex our future wives finish? No forget say na the same bride prize wen dem pay for vigin dem still dey pay for tokumbor oo. For the sugar daddies, why are you turning our future wives into london used girls?? You ladies already laughing there, leave those men with pot bellies alone. Get a young, able bodied guy with six packs. I promise you, you won't regret it o. Date a young blood today, build the future together. Stop saving someone else's daddy as "johnny", stop telling your friends your daddy is calling you, when actually an alhaji is the one calling. Live on the right side. Life is beautiful.

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