Saturday, 17 January 2015

Dear blogger, help me.

I was hit with great shock when on refreshing my mail box a couple of minutes ago I met this pathetic story. Below is a copy of the email.......
Dear blogger, I am one of your dedicated viewers and was moved to send this email considering your posts on morality and sexuality. Pls help conceal my identity.I'm  by name ............, and I'm 19 years old. I live in asaba, the capitalbof delta state. Presently, I'm pregnant for a guy
I thought loved me. I'm three months pregnant at the moment and I
Mm've been putting up with a friend for the past three weeks. Now thinhs are really so hard and I'm under intense pressure to abort the baby. I'm so confused at the moment. I've changed my lines since I ran away from home as I won't be able to cope with the wrath and shame at home. I need advice please before I do something stupid. I'm your follower on g+ and I'm eagerly waiting for this to be posted. Dear blogger, I need your help.
Now that was her story. She needs your advice and encouragement to save  life.

1 comment:

  1. My dear, I really don't know you, but I've read to your story over and over again. I really must say the dees has been done. The baby is yours, keep it. All you need now is inner strength. Don't terminate the pregnancy. Blames will come, take them. Shame will come, bear it. At the end of it all, you'll be glad you kept that beautiful baby. My number is on my g+ profile. Call me anytime you wanna talk. God bless you.
